Strategic Aims


1. Provide a network of support in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability (ECEfS) throughout the state for the many individuals, groups and organisations working with young children (Social / Political)

2. Provide professional development  opportunities in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability (ECEfS)  (Political -Advocacy)

3. Encourage sustainable practices in home and Early Childhood work environments  (Social / Environment)

4. Advocate for ECEfS and influence policy development and legislation at all levels (Political)

5. Inform and promote sustainability in the design and content of Early Childhood adult education programs  (Political / Social)

6. Develop a recognition for children as active citizens who are responsible for the present and future sustainability of the world  (Political -Advocacy)

7. Building QECSN’s online presence in ECEfS

8. Strengthening Membership

9. Maintain QECSN as a financially viable entity.